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Sweden's leading crypto brokerage

We offer crypto trading for consumers and tailored solutions for institutions, banks and companies. Our philosophy is to be a reliable guide for new users. It’s even in our name – we are the safe fellow guiding you into the world of crypto. Since the start we have had a strong focus on regulatory compliance and offer an AML and GDPR compliant platform. Safello is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market with the ticker SFL, more information about our shares here.

Safello service illustration

The crypto market

As of June 2021, there were over 221 million crypto users in the world and the adoption rate is doing everything but slowing down with a global growth of +2300% since Q3 2019. On the regulatory side, an EU legislative proposal regarding Markets in Crypto Assets (MiCA) is under way to be adopted which will provide a framework for cryptocurrency businesses to operate with a license in the EU.

This will further pave the way for crypto adoption. In addition, there are over 6,000 banks who will want to find a way to support crypto. Safello is uniquely positioned to help them with the transition, having practical experience from serving hundreds of thousands of retail customers. To summarize, crypto isn’t slowing down and there are major opportunities for the industry on the horizon.





Company highlights

368K+ Users
2,937 MSEK Volume
1,077M+ Orders

*Key metrics since start in 2013, per December 31, 2023.


Milestones illustration

Shareholder community

We think it's important to have a conversation and that's why we are building a shareholder community on Discord. Here you can speak to other shareholders, users and ask questions to the company. We conduct Q&A sessions in connection to reporting and regularly host The Safello Show to educate and talk about different topics related to crypto.

Contact us

Shareholder inquiries

Investor Relations

Viktoria Blohme

Head of Finance

Certified Adviser

Amudova AB is

Certified Adviser to Safello Group AB.

c/o Nybrogatan Business Center, BOX 5855, 102 40 Stockholm


Emelie Moritz

Chief Executive Officer