Build your own crypto offer
Connect to Safello's Institutional API built for financial institutions and enable your customers to buy, sell and store digital assets. We handle compliance, risk management, custody, liquidity, second line customer support and governance.
Meet a new market demand and provide your customers with easy-to-use digital asset brokerage services leveraging Safello's secure, convenient and regulated platform. Our Institutional API is straightforward, modular and scalable allowing for fast rollout and structured delivery of new functionalities.
3 reasons to choose us
Decrease regulatory risk and technical complexities
Safello has developed rigorous frameworks to mitigate crypto-related risks.
By onboarding the end customer to Safello’s platform, Safello bears the risks associated with digital asset trading. This setup allows you to focus on building a great customer experience.
Allow for the fastest Time-to-Market
With Safello's institutional API, you can easily enable digital asset trading to your end customers.
The integration with Safello's API enables a fast time-to-market as the service includes secure storage, trading and settlement as well as compliance and risk management of digital assets.
Offer trading and custody services in your interface
Consistent and differentiated customer experience has arisen as the crux of the matter of earning customers’ trust and loyalty.
Retaining control over the user experience will ensure that you tailor the new service to your customer base.
What's in it for you?
Increase your revenue
By launching your own crypto service with Safello, you are complementing your offering with a fast growing asset class which keeps gaining in momentum.
Be disruptive
Strengthen your competitive advantages and increase your attractiveness as an innovative service provider by offering services for digital assets at an early stage.
Broaden the target group
Adding digital assets to your offering not only widens the target group but also provides you with the opportunity to grow the existing customer base.
Download this presentation to discover how Crypto-as-a-Service can fit your offering.